COSMO | Review - What The Health

If you've ever needed a reason to go Vegan, THIS IS IT.

When it comes to making the choice to eat healthier, there's always at least a thousand excuses we can come up with effortlessly. "It's too expensive" or " I won't get enough protein" or "I eat whatever I want and I feel just fine". Well let me just start by saying that "you are what you eat" is NOT I repeat is NOT a cliche.

What The Health, takes a very unique approach to teaching us about food and eating habits. We often focus much more on WHAT we are eating (which has become influenced more and more by pop culture and big business) than we do WHERE or WHAT our food comes from.



The most important theme to regard when watching this film is its effort to link diet with disease. It breaks many preconceived notions we've adopted about our nutritional needs such as the thought that humans NEED meat for protein or that dairy is required for stronger bones or calcium.  Many of these notions were not developed on the basis of healthier living, but instead in government corruption and the influence of big business which is in turn, costing us millions and millions of dollars in healthcare costs. A viscous cycle has been created, along with pretty believable campaigns that boost their agenda and legitimize such atrocities as factory farming.


COSMO's Rating: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕

Where to Watch: Netflix