COSMO | Travel

Atlanta is by far one of my favorite cities to visit. The last time I was here was for business, and even though this trip was for the same reason, I was able to enjoy every second of it. I'm currently working on a web series with my friend Bre, and we planned the trip to go out and interview a very talented artist by the name of Jimmy Collins. Jimmy is to be featured on Episode 2 of the show and I can't wait for you all to see his interview! I was reminded to many times of how challenging yet awesome things are going to be as I continue my creative career. So much of it felt like play instead of work and I can definitely get used to traveling to more interesting places to capture and showcase more talent. Check out the gallery of some shots of the trip and more on Jimmy below!

Location: Atlanta Georgia

LUVRBOI (Loverboy) (Official Music Video)